The first Moscow Solar System Symposium (1M-S3)
Mars system studies
Starting from 2010 the Space Research Institute will hold the annual international symposia on Solar system exploration. Topics of these symposia will cover a wide range of problems, including the formation and evolution Solar system, planetary systems of other stars; exploration of Solar system planets, their moons, small bodies; study of the Sun, interplanetary environment, exobiology problems. Experimental planetary studies and preparation for space missions will be also considered at these symposia.
The first Moscow international Solar System Symposium (1M-S3) will take place October 11 to 15, 2010.
The main theme of the symposium will be Mars system studies. This theme is closely related to Phobos Sample Return Mission devoted to Mars and Phobos study, which is in preparation for launch in the end of 2011.
1M-S3 symposium 2010 will include the following sessions:
- Surface, atmosphere and Mars plasma environment
- Phobos and Deimos: unsolved questions
- Recent results of Mars and Phobos studies (Mars Odyssey, Mars-Express, Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter)
- Phobos Sample Return Mission: scientific program, experiments, spacecraft, ballistics, mission control, data archiving.
- Future planetary missions.
Scientists and specialists of planetary exploration are invited for participation in 1M-S3.
It is planned that most of the plenary talks will be by invitation. The program committee will also consider a limited number of contributed reports for oral presentation. For other contributions selected by the program committee, poster sessions will be organized.
The symposium is hosted by the Space Research Institute with the support of:
- Russian academy of sciences
- Russian Foundation for Basic Research
- Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry
- Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth
- Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
- Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics
- Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University
- Lavochkin Association.